Today you’re going to learn 8 Commonly Used Cat Idioms that I either use myself or hear other native English speakers use on a regular basis. 1. To play cat and mouse (with someone/something) Figurative meaning: To try to trick someone into making a mistake so you have the advantage. To try …
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Commonly Used Cat Idioms -Part 1
Today I’m going to teach you 10 Commonly Used Cat Idioms that I either use myself quite often or that I at least hear being used by other native English speakers. 1. Has a cat got your tongue? Figurative meaning: Said to someone when you are annoyed that they won’t speak. …
بیشتر بخوانید »اصطلاح Has A Cat Got Your Tongue
In today’s episode I explain what the expression “Has a cat got your tongue?” means, as well as how and when to use it. ?Expression – Has a cat got your tongue G’day guys. Welcome to this episode of Aussie English. Today is yet another expression involving animals. I’m sure …
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